Carlisle Tri AGM
The Club’s AGM will take place on Tuesday 10th March at 8.15pm, at Energi Trampoline Park, Willowholme.
Pizza and soft drinks will be provided (so if you go to the Track Session before hand, you’ll be fed and watered afterwards!) and you will have an opportunity to hear from the Chair and other Committee members about what plans there are for the following year and to make your own proposals and suggestions for how we can all take the Club forward.
This is your Club and the AGM is your opportunity to have input into how and what we provide for members, so you are strongly urged to attend and have your voice heard!
As per the Club’s Constitution, all Committee members will stand down from their positions at the meeting, allowing new members to come forward to take on one of the many roles that are essential to the on-going activity of the Club. Being a Committee Member is a rewarding and interesting role. You would be required to attend Committee meetings which are held roughly every six weeks and are held in the evening. The Committee act collectively in reaching decisions in a supportive environment. Where appropriate training and a comprehensive handover will be provided for any role.
The roles we are looking to fill are:
Chair – Chair’s meetings, acts as Club Representative with third party partners
Vice Chair – Deputises for Chair
Secretary – Co-ordinates meetings, central contact for external and internal parties, minute taker at meetings
Treasurer – Responsible for Club’s Finances, payment and receipt of session monies, reports to AGM and regular meetings on current financial position
Membership Secretary – Co-ordinates annual membership
Club Welfare Officer – Point of contact for anyone with personal or third-party welfare concerns within the Club
Publicity Officer – Co-ordination of newsletter, social media, publicising events and the raising Club profile
Coaching Secretary – Attends coaches meeting, takes minutes and reports back to full Committee on issues raised
Events Co-ordinator – Responsible for organising CTC’s annual events
Club Captain – Oversees Club Championship, supports CTC members at events and inter-club championships
Kit Officer – Kit orders, collection, distribution
Website Administrator –Regular updates as required
Male Member Rep – Point of contact for members
Female Member Rep – Point of contact for members
Social Secretary – Organises regular social events for members
If you require any further information on the roles, please contact club Secretary Tracey Pape on Tracey.pape@sky.com and we will answer your questions. Anyone wishing to stand will require a member to nominate them and a seconder. We look forward to seeing as many members as possible on the 10th March.
Tracey (Club Secretary, Carlisle Tri Club)